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Designer . Illustrator . artist

Danielle r. DEnham

Danielle R denham


Hi there, here’s a bit about me.💀👽

I am a designer and illustrator living and working in Wimberley, Texas. When I’m not working I like to spend time with my partner and big ol’ poodle. Interests include: coffee, wine, spending time with friends and family, cooking, drinking wine while cooking, playing with my dog, watercolor/gouache painting, attempting to garden, doodling, grooming my dog, light hikes, travelling, listening to LPOTL, discovering new music, interior design, museums, collecting expensive scented candles, a crisp made bed, spicy v8, etc. Interests do not include: corn on the cob, coffee with milk, very loud motorcycles, underseasoned foods, bare feet inside, peanut butter, flip flop sandals, etc.




My background is in fine arts, I love to paint and draw. In the the last few years I have been focusing on honing my skills in a digital way, learning graphic design and creating artwork outside of the traditional tools of fine art. I went to St. Edwards University in Austin, TX and graduated in 2014. I held a few odd jobs after school always making art along the way, in 2017 I started a design job that I was able to grow and learn with and have been a consistent graphic designer and illustrator since. Currently focusing on building my experience in the world of interior design.



Currently listening to:

Orville Peck

/   🎧🎸 /




DEnham.Design - freelance artist
2013 – Present
Maximo Nivel - Graphic Designer
2017 – 2022

Penguin Suits - Senior Graphic Designer
2019 – 2022

M.Elliott Studio - Project manager & lead Designer
2021 – Present



"What you get with Danielle is the total package - skill, tenacity, humor, and brains. I don’t know of any finer artist or designer working today.”

/  my husband andy  /



This is my handsome boy Wesley.
